Bianca’s story
Breaking free: an ecape from abuse to independence

In the middle of the night, Gilgal’s 24-hour support line rang. On the phone was a woman desperately seeking emergency accommodation. She had fled her family home with her children, leaving everything else behind – including her abuser.
Bianca* arrived in England in 2018 to marry a man she had never met. Believing it to be a strong match, and an exciting new life for the two of them, their union had been arranged by their families. However, it quickly became clear that the marriage was not to be a happy one. Bianca’s husband began to control every aspect of her life, including where she went, who she spoke to, and her finances. He belittled her and reduced her self-worth. Bianca was gaslit into believing if she left her husband, she would be deported back to her home country. Without family in the UK, she was isolated and alone, completely unaware of her rights or the resources available to her in the UK.
Terrified and traumatised, Bianca endured the mistreatment for several years. The birth of the couple’s two children – occasions which should have been filled with joy and excitement – made her feel increasingly trapped. Despite the continued abuse, Bianca stayed, believing that escape would mean deportation from England, without her children.
The cycle of abuse continued, but when Bianca’s husband began to turn violent, a concerned neighbour called the police out to the family home. Shortly after, beginning to fear for her children’s safety, Bianca found the courage to flee. She arrived at Gilgal in a taxi, with her two young children and two suitcases containing all of their worldly possessions.
Bianca’s arrival at Gilgal marked the beginning of her transformation. The support she received was comprehensive and life-changing:
- Legal Assistance: She was guided through court hearings, helping her to secure custody of her children and begin the process of obtaining her indefinite leave to remain in the UK.
- Financial Guidance: Bianca received debt and budgeting advice, empowering her to manage her finances independently.
- Personal Development: She attended parenting and nutrition classes and was supported in getting back into employment.
- Housing Support: Gilgal helped her obtain her own property, providing a stable and secure environment for her and her children. She was also granted funds by Buttle UK for essential children’s items.
After five months in the refuge, Bianca finally obtained her indefinite leave to remain in the UK and moved into her own home, living independently with her children. Reflecting on her journey, Bianca shared, “The support and kindness I received at Gilgal was overwhelming. I’ll always be extremely grateful.”
Bianca has grown from a scared, defeated person into a strong, confident woman with dreams and goals for the future. When speaking, her face lights up with a contagious smile, a testament to her resilience and the effective support provided by Gilgal. Her story is an inspiring example of how comprehensive support, and a safe environment, can empower abuse survivors to rebuild their lives.
If you need help, or suspect someone you know is in danger, get in touch with us today.
*name has been changed for privacy